FFU Teacher Outline

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~Fairy Friends Teachers Outline~

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Ok Ladies, here are the lessons in order :)

Lesson 1 is how to make a doll body!

Please post this to your students for the first lesson:
Welcome to Fairy Friends Univeristy, it is time to start doll class.
Here is the link for the first tutorial:
Please post your finished lesson by Saturday. We will have one
lesson per week, and a couple times 2 lessons. All lessons come
out on Monday evenings and are due by every Saturday.
If you are experiencing a difficult time please ask your teacher
for help. We are here to help with anything you need.
We are glad you are here and hope you enjoy the class.

Lesson 2 has no tutorial, just post this to them:
Ok your next lesson is due by Saturday.
Using lesson one make 4 bodies of your choice
using images from where ever you like.
I only need the psp file, you may put them on one file
on separate layers. If you need anything at all please
let me know. Hugs and good luck! :)

Lesson 3 How to color ethnic bodies!

Lesson 4 how to How to crop, colorize, etc.

Lesson 5 how to match up necks and place hair!

Lesson 6 How to make your font pretty!

Lesson 7 how to make grass, place flowers, use eyecandy and add constellation sparkles.

Lesson 8 How to mist backgrounds.

Lesson 9 How to add accessories and glitter and sparkle them!

Final Lesson please copy and post to each of your students!

It is final time, you will create 2 doll tags and turn in the gif files to your teacher.
First make 2 new bodies, then using what you have learned here make 2 doll tags.
Good luck, your almost done! If you need anything please let me know. Hugs

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