FFU Grass & Flowers Tutorial

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~Fairy Friends Making Grass & Adding Flowers Tut~
Tutorial by Deana Owens ©DeeDesigns9 ~ 2006.
Do Not Give This Link Out To Anyone!

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~Below is the items you need for this lesson,
please click on files to download.~

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Ok if you don't have Xenofex2 or EyeCandy4000 you must first install them, then you can start a new image at least 400x400, and your going to add a green rectangle vector with the settings below as seen in picture below and then convert it to a raster layer:

Now were going to add fur from your eye candy 4000 plugin with the settings below, you need to add each of these 3 settings, choosing the green colors you prefer as in images below:

Now your going to add your psp background image on top of your grass, place it where you think it looks best, part of your background will run on top of grass. Then take the flowers psp and add flowers as you wish, the trick to adding flowers is laying them around in some sort of order. I usually make them into a column on one side, and the merge and duplicate layer then mirror it to make them look the same. You can then move them around and you can also add flowers alone, you do not have to add them all together. Once your happy with your flowers, add drop shadows around as you like. Then merge it all together and duplicate making 3 layers and add the Xenofex2, Alien Skin ~ Constellation settings to each layer using random seed (when you use random seed it places them in different areas on each layer), as in image below:

Now take a doll body and head and add it with your name, then merge doll and name on one layer, then duplicate it twice and merge a doll-name layer to each background layer, then save and post to your teacher a gif file. Here is a sample of what I came up with below:

I hope you enjoyed this one and learned something new, if you need any help just ask us, hugs!!!!

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