~Fairy Friends Advanced Class Tut~ Learn to make fire, smoke, rain, glow and Animate a ghost. Tutorial byDeana Owens ©DeeDesigns9 ~ 2007. Do Not Give This Link Out To Anyone!

~Below is the psp files you need for this lesson, please click on file to download.~ You should already have eyecandy 4000 installed, you will need it for this lesson.

First install your rain tube into your psp tubes. You need to delete the background layer first. Then export the rain tube into your picture tubes, name it 1rain so its close to the top.
Then open your psp files named animatingghost.pspimage and fire and smoke.pspimage.
First you're going to use the animatingghost.pspimage file.
You need to place the ghost as you wish, you will need to duplicate the background layer for as many ghost as you will use. Make sure the ghost layers are in the order from lower layer to top layer above
background layer in the order you want the ghost moving in animation shop. Then merge each ghost with a background layer. Now take your pictube tool and choose your 1rain, now place rain on each layer
as you desire. I put it on each layer in different areas about 4-6 times. Then save and animate with frame properties at 40 per frame. See my image below for examples (I also did a close up ghost by itself
to give you another example of animation:

Now you will use your fire and smoke psp file and duplicate it so there are 3 raster layers. You will be adding flames to the torch and the candle. You will then add a gradient glow to the lantern. Lastly you will add smoke to the shroom house.
You will first select the fire on the torch and use eyecandy 4000 Fire plugin. Use these settings:
First under the settings menu option at top, choose smoldering then choose these for each option:
Direction 90
Column Lenght=194
Flame Width=5.76
Side Taper=21.60
Check the box next to denser flames
Check the box Start from near side
Now on the second layer only change these settings:
Column Length = 230
and choose random seed
Now on the last layer only change these settings:
Column Length = 297
and choose random seed.
Now you're going to add fire to the candle: Select the fire then use the same settings as above but on the column lenght start with 173 1st layer, 208 2nd layer, and 235 3rd layer, and use random seed each time. Random seed is good to get the right flame you want, you may continue
hitting random seed until your happy.
Now lets add a gradient glow using these settings below (make sure you select the lantern first):
Glow Width=12.04
Soft corners = 25
Overall Opacity = 41
Do not check draw only on outside.
On the color tab you may pick the color you want the gradient glow of the lantern to be, I chose a light orange.
Now on each layer add 6 to the glow width and the opacity.
Now were going to add smoke to the shroom house (circle the top part you want smoke coming from then choose these settings:
Eye candy 4000 Smoke plugin settings:
Column Length=83
Side Taper=3
Eddy Size=21.60
Turbulence Strength=20
Turbulence Roughness=80
Check start from side, you may choose random seed to get smoke like you want it.
Then on the 2nd and 3 layers add 20 to the column length and choose random seed to your liking.
See image below for my example:

Now turn in your finished gif files to your teacher. I hope you enjoyed this lesson. If you need any help please just ask us.
